New Farm Bill Passed by Legislator

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House Farm Bill

Agriculture & Nutrition Act of 2018

Senate Farm Bill

Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018

Conference Report
·       Sec. 10004 – Repeals performance based discount for producers ·       Sec. 11109 – Expands performance based discounts for farming practices that can be demonstrated to reduce risk


·       Did not accept either version and maintained current law.  Same groups will still be exempt.
·       Sec. 10008 – Prioritizes FCIC R&D of policies related to insurance for tropical storms or hurricanes, subsurface irrigation, accurate grain sorghum rates and yields, and quality loss adjustment


·       Sec. 11122 – Prioritizes FCIC R&D of policies related to effectiveness of whole farm plans, irrigated grain sorghum, limited irrigation, quality loss, citrus, greenhouses, hops, and local foods. ·       Sec. 11122 – Adopts both provisions with amendments to include additional factors the FCIC Board shall consider during review of the whole farm revenue protection policy
·       Sec. 10010 – Eliminates RMA’s crop insurance education and information program for targeted states and reauthorizes NIFA’s risk management education and assistance programs.


·       Sec. 11123 – Adds conservation activities to list of practices eligible for education assistance ·       Sec. 11125 – Adopts House version with amendments to consolidate crop insurance education grants for underserved producers with the Partnerships for Risk Management Education and to maintain the authority and funding for the Agriculture Management Assistance Program
·       Sec. 10001 – Makes catastrophic risk protection plans available for crops and grasses used for grazing.  Also, permits separate crop insurance policies to be purchased for crops that can be both grazed and mechanically harvested on the same acres, in the same growing season.


·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11109 – Adopts House version with and clarifies provision that allows producers to purchase separate policies for each intended use, as determined by the FCIC, and any indemnity paid under those policies for each intended use shall not be considered to be for the same loss for the purposes of section 508(n)
·       Sec. 10002 – Increases CAT administrative basic fee from $300 to $500 ·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11110 – Raises CAT administrative basic fee to $655
·       Sec. 10003 – If a producer elects ARC or STAX on a crop, that crop is ineligible for coverage based on an area yield and loss basis, coverage based or a margin base, or supplemental coverage.


·       No similar provision ·       Does not accept House provision.  Maintains current law.
·       Sec. 10005 – Continues the use of APH in the RMA’s underwriting rules as in current law ·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11112 – Adopts House provision as is.
·       Sec. 10006 – Extends the authority of the FCIC to pay costs that assist in maintaining program actuarial soundness and financial integrity ·       No similar provision ·       Does not accept House provision.  Maintains current law.
·       Sec. 10007 – Requires more specificity about the types of costs for R&D related to crop insurance policies that have been approved by the FCIC ·       No similar provision ·       Sect. 11120 – Adopts House version with amendments to clarify reasonable costs apply to any employees or contracted personnel costs.  Also modifies requirements for Board to approve or disapprove the amount of a maintenance fee, by including that the fee will remain in effect and not be review by the Board unless specified criteria are met
·       Sec. 10009 – Discontinues the partnership for risk management development and implementation, and reauthorizes the CCC’s ability to conduct R&D and carry out contracting and partnerships at not more than $8 million starting with fiscal year 2019 ·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11123 – Adopts House version with amendment to maintain authority for partnerships for risk management development
·       No similar provision Sec. 11101 – Defines cover crop termination and hemp



·       Sec. 11101 – Adopts Senate version as is.
·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11102 – Requires FCIC to collect their data from NASS and through the noninsured crop disaster assistance program


·       Sec. 11102 – Adopts Senate version as is.
·       No similar provision Sec. 11103 – Requires the USDA Secretary to share records with private developers of crop insurance products who have received payment under 522(b)(2)(E) ·       Sec. 11103 – Adopts Senate version as is.
·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11105 – Updates the role of the Specialty Crop Coordinator and requires a Specialty Crop Liaison in each regional office, and requires an annual update to the FCIC board on R&D opportunities


·       Sec. 11105 – Adopts Senate version with modification to remove specific requirements from website
·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11106 – Adds hemp as a commodity and makes it eligible for crop insurance.  Also, allows FCIC to waive the viability and marketability requirement for a policy or pilot program for hemp


·       Sec. 11106 – Adopts Senate version as is.
·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11107 – Clarifies conditions for voluntary conservation practices, including cover crops, to be considered as good farming practices


·       Sec. 11107 – Adopts Senate version with modifications to clarify termination guidelines and provides that an exception can be made by the NRCS or an expert, as determined by the Corporation, unless the exception is determined to be unreasonable by the Corporation
·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11110 – Allows producers to establish a single enterprise unit by combining enterprise units with basic units and optional units in one or more other counties. ·       Sec. 11111 – Adopts Senate version
·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11113 – Provides additional reimbursement to an agent that sells Whole Farm Policy in certain circumstances.


·       Did not accept Senate amendment. Maintained current law. 
·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11114 – Clarifies required reduction in benefits for insurable crops for any four years after certain native sod acreage has been tilled and may be nonconsecutive.  Applicable in IA, MN, MT, NE, ND, and SD.


·       Sec. 11114 – Adopts Senate version with amendments to clarify that native sod acreage that has been tilled would be subject to a reduction in benefits for not more than four cumulative years during the first 10 years after initial tillage.  Also removes option for a governor of a State to elect to have the requirements apply to the State, if the State is not currently subject to requirements
·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11116 – Requires AIPs to submit the APH used to establish insurable yields to the FCIC no later than 30 days after the applicable production reporting date for the crop to be insured.


·       Sec. 11116 – Adopts Senate version with amendment to limit the submission requirements with respect to a policy for a covered commodity and to allow AIPs the ability to correct the information.
·       No similar provision ·       Sec. 11118 – Requires FCIC to ensure that lost adjusters and agents of approves AIPs are familiar with conservation activities and agronomic practices through continuing education
  • Adopts the Senate version with modification to broaden the education topics